The Glowdown With Klaudia Cloud


In house beauty PR expert turned founder of her own communications agency, turned content creator and Instagram model, Klaudia is a woman of many talents. When she isn’t delivering fresh and innovative content and PR for her clients, Klaudia documents her honest and unfiltered approach to life and beauty to her 21k Instagram followers and hangs out with her heavenly sausage dog Nimbus in London. After starting her PR career in-house for Oskia Skincare, Klaudia has not only built a wealth of knowledge and passion for beauty but after working with leading brands, she brings an exciting approach to public relations and events management.

In 2019, Klaudia formed her own consultancy ‘KlaudiaCloud Comms’ where she and her small team implement brand strategies, PR and content creation. Today, I talk to Klaudia about what inspires her, how she has built her career so far and her work from home routine since lockdown.

The Glowdown with Klaudia Cloud
The Glowdown with Klaudia Cloud

AO: “Klaudia, Welcome to The Glowdown! I’m so excited to have you as a guest on here today. How is life treating you right now, situation aside?”

KC: Hey! I am doing good - there are good and bad days for sure but I am lucky enough to have escaped to the country with so much space to roam around and be surrounded by five mini sausage dogs here! 

AO: “That sounds like a pretty good set up! Your career in beauty all started when working for OSKIA in their PR team, please can you tell me a little about that?”

KC: I loved working in-house for OSKIA, it’s easy to PR a brand you truly love. We usually had all company meetings to talk through the newest product launches and we aligned marketing strategy, which then I took from and designed my PR plan accordingly. I loved working on any creative mailers that were sent out to influencers and press - it was A LOT of work to put together over 50 boxes but it was worth seeing it online of people receiving it and loving it. I absolutely love events so my last event at OSKIA was in a collaboration with Emma Hoareau, a great friend of mine - we launched a Parisian style breakfast followed by lifestyle drawings in the most beautiful location in London. 

AO: “How did you transition from working in PR to becoming a part time content creator? Was it natural from being in the beauty industry already and sharing photos and advice on your Instagram?”

KC: Easy, I always loved content creation and was quite pedantic about my Instagram. I am not full-time content creator so I transitioned from in-house PR to freelance, launched my limited company in 2019 KlaudiaCloud Comms and have had so much fun signing my own clients, working alongside amazing founders and brands. It feels so rewarding running my own business.

AO: “I love your real, honest and approachable tone on social media, do you think has been key to growing your following?”

KC: Honestly, I can’t pretend or act so what you see if what you get. I’m pretty care-free of what people would think of how I look, what I wear or what my opinions are. I have the best audience there is, everyone is so warm and lovely. I spend so many evenings just chatting to my followers, getting to know their story and build a better relationship with them to see them more than just as another +1 to my followers number.  

The Glowdown with Klaudia Cloud

AO: Along-side running your Instagram and working on brand partnerships, you also recently started your freelance consultancy, ‘KlaudiaCloud Comms’. What was the inspiration behind starting this and are you enjoying being your own boss? 

KC: I never thought I will own my own company. It came super naturally to me. After working with OSKIA (and being in charge of all of their PR and influencer relationships) I have learned that I am capable to do it outside in-house and launch something of my own. I always loved working close with brands, we don’t just look after PR, we help out with launch ideas, retail etc. 

AO: “Well, well done you - it is an amazing achievement. How do you juggle your time between running your Instagram as a business and your PR consultancy work?”

KC: At the start of it I didn’t sleep - for real. I would do my PR jobs from 9am-7pm and then I would edit my videos which I filmed at the weekend, plan my content that evening and go to bed at like 3am. It was the worst set up. I had to learn to spread my time and actually live a little. I am super strict with my time right now and I try not to burn myself out by Wednesday haha! I dedicate one full day to my content creation, plan of what I would like to shoot, what inspires me, what people have asked me to talk about and then take it from there. 

AO: We couldn’t not talk about your transition from being a natural brunette to dying your hair blonde… What made you change?

KC: I was BORED of my hair. I was never experimental with my hair, I felt safe and super precious about my follicles lol. I really loved the root to blonde trend and one day at a press event at Larry’s I was chatting to Bryony one of their stylist and we decided to go blonde - we set a date and that was that. I don't regret it at all, I was convinced I will end up with dry, straw like hair but I couldn’t be more wrong. They did the most amazing job with my hair leaving it just the way it was, its so so healthy, and due to the added root I don’t have to get my hair touched up every month! 

The Glowdown with Klaudia Cloud
The Glowdown with Klaudia Cloud
The Glowdown with Klaudia Cloud

AO: "What 3 makeup products do you think all women need in their life?”

KC: A lip balm, tinted moisturiser (preferably with SPF) and a good nude lipstick. 

AO: “Which online creators do you find the most inspiring to follow?”

KC: I love @frecklesnur, her feed is a pure oasis and I have developed a massive IG crush on @discodaydream her feed is STUNNING and so effortless I don’t know how she does it. 

AO: “How has your daily routine changed since being in lockdown? Any new rituals to share with us?”

KC: Yes, I wakeup at 7am and chill - don’t look at my phone, cuddle my dog and do my skincare routine. I don't feel the rush, being at the farm I consciously get out and have a walk around remembering not to take it for granted - I would not be able to do the same in my small South London flat. I have been doing a face mask every week and GOD I don’t know why I didn’t before but my skin is the best its ever looked. 

AO: “Face masks has definitely become far more of a regular occurrence in my routine too… Now, Nimbus - the sausage dog Instagram star. I can remember meeting him for the first time as a puppy and I will never forget him wearing a sheet mask online… Are you tempted to get another one, especially being surrounded by 5 right now?”

KC: 100%. I really want to get a little sister for Nimbus, he absolutely loves being around other dogs and seeing him play with Dora (another mini dapple that looks like his twin) breaks my heart to think we will have to separate them after the lockdown ends! 

AO: “What does 2020 hold for Klaudia Cloud?”

The Glowdown with Klaudia Cloud

AO: “Before I go, I have some quick-fire questions I’d love to ask you.”

KC: Sure.

AO: “Top 3 accounts to follow on Instagram?”

KC: @beatricerigby@discodaydream | @gelcream

AO: “Outfit or makeup?”

KC: Good Outfit - you don't need makeup to go out, clothes however… 

AO: “Favourite scent?”

KC:  Clean Reserve - in scent Skin (h e a v e n)

AO: “One piece of advice you’f give to your younger self?”

KC: Dye your hair.

Klaudia Cloud Interview

Instagram: Klaudia Cloud & Klaudia Cloud Comms

Words by Jasmine Harding

Images by Klaudia Cloud